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2023年12月29日 星期五


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    牛工 先生(销售经理

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hp/agilent 8764c opt. 011 - 5 port rf coaxial switch dc-26.5 ghz antenna relay

hp - agilent 5348a 26.5 ghz microwave frequenzimetro counter power meter

hp agilent esg-d4000a e4433a rf signal generator 4 ghz am-fm i/q opt. 1e5-un4

hp agilent 8482a sensore per bolometro -30 20dbm 0.1-4200 mhz 437b e4418b good

hp agilent 35655a 8 channel input 12.8khz module

hp agilent 11590a bias network tee 1-12.4 ghz

agilent hp 11664a detector for network analyzer 10mhz to 18ghz *st

(20 x) msa-0486 mmic agilent bipolar cascadable 3,2ghz

agilent hp e8362b vector network analyser 10mhz - 20ghz

agilent hp 11664a detector for network analyzer 10mhz to 18ghz - noir *st

agilent hp 8484a high sensitivity probe sonde hf 10mhz 18ghz

7 ghz low cost sma connector calibration & verification kit for vnas hp agilent

anritsu, copper mountain, n2pk, rohde & schwarz, vnwa,

hp agilent 8502a opt.h26 transmission / reflection test set 4 mhz - 2.6 ghz

agilent (keysight). e4433a 4ghz digital i/q sig.gen (d4000a)

includes 12 months warranty and service

1 stück hp / agilent ina-02186 / 10 ghz (m1333)

agilent hp 8484a high sensitivity probe sonde hf 10mhz 18ghz - grise

hp agilent msa-0304 cascadable silicium bipolaire amplificateur dc-1.6 ghz

hp agilent e4401b keysight spectrum analyzer 9 khz to 1.5 ghz, opts a4h; b72

hp agilent 5350b 20 ghz cw microwave frequency counter 2 ch frequenzimetro

wow ol active directional antenna 80-300khz

agilent hp 8596e spectrum analyser 9khz-12.8ghz

hp agilent 70820a microwave transition analyzer dc 40ghz 70004a mainframe

agilent hp 8449b 1-26.5 ghz microwave preamplifier

rohde & schwarz sml01 synthesised signal generator 9khz-1.1ghz

koaxialrelais agilent 5081-8178,sma 24vdc, 3 port coaxial switch dc-18 ghz,spdt

anritsu mt8801c communication test set 300 khz - 3 ghz opt. 01-07-04 spectrum

(10 x) mmic hp / agilent msa-0486 3,2ghz bipolar cascadable

hp agilent 5350b 10 hz - 20 ghz cw microwave counter 2 ch frequenzimetro

agilent hp 44472a vhf switch 300mhz module for hp 3488a *st

power meter agilent keysight e4418b power sensor agilent e4413a 26,5 ghz

manuali, power sensor, cavi. garanzia, iva inclusa.

anritsu mt8801c rf signal generator test set 300 khz-3 ghz opt. 01-07 spectrum

agilent hp 8350a sweep generator mainframe 10khz to 26ghz *st

hp agilent 34401a multimetro 61/2digit dmm test leads puntali (meter window new)

hp agilent 8711a 300khz 1300mhz with option 1c21e1

agilent / hp 8762f rf switch - 75 ohm dc - 4ghz smb - 5v drive

hp agilent 8493c dc-26.5ghz 6db apc 3.5 low swr precision coaxial attenuator

koaxialrelais agilent 8765a with opt. 324, spdt, dc-4ghz, 2 stück

agilent hp 4278a capacitance meter 1khz to 1mhz - good working condition *st

transistors avago/agilent/hp dc-0.8ghz mmic amp, msa-0686, sot-86 quantité x5

hp - agilent x11644a mechanical calibration kit, 8.2 to 12.4 ghz, wr-90

agilent hp 8956a system interface hf dc to 1ghz *st

hp agilent 346a generatore di rumore 10 mhz - 18 ghz; 6db enr noise source good

koaxialrelais agilent 8762a, dc-4 ghz, coaxial switch with option 024, spdt

hp agilent hewlett-packard 33312b coaxial switch

agilent 8648d 4 ghz rf signal generator generatore segnali high power output

agilent hp 54853a infiniium oscilloscope 2.5ghz 4ch

hp agilent calibration kit 85036e

agilent hp 5343a microwave frequency counter 26.5ghz *st

hp agilent e9301a power sensor -60 20dbm 10 mhz 6 ghz epm e4418b

philips ibm 91p7301 2.4ghz 5ghz 802.11 a/b/g wireless network card

universal counter agilent keysight 53181a opt. 010 - 030 3ghz high stability

manuali,cavo alim. cavo bnc, garanzia,iva inclusa

hp agilent 8510a application note hp 11666a reflectometer bridge manual

agilent hp 8350b sweep generator mainframe 10khz to 26ghz *st

hp agilent hewlett-packard 33313b coaxial switch

agilent hp 11664e scalar detector for network analyzer 10mhz to 26.5ghz

agilent hp 3560a dynamic signal analyzer 2 channel analseur de spectre *st

advantest r 3263 portable spektrum-analyzer 9 khz bis 3 ghz

spektrum-analyzer advantest r3263





  • 联系人: 牛工 先生
  • 位: 销售经理
  • 机: 13695019872


  • 资质公示 大德汇成科技(厦门)有限公司 地址: 福建省 厦门市 湖里区金钟路11号1301室之二
  •  wepoker官网登录入口的技术支持:世铝网 长江有色
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