- 更新时间:2023-12-28
牛工 先生(销售经理)
- 举报
simatics7-400 pnh系统可以根据具体应用需求量身定制:性能可扩展、的冗余度可灵活组态,功能易于集成。集成profinet接口,可冗余连接i/o设备,或者通过profibus连接i/o设备,实现工厂级通信。无论何种应用,使用simatic s7-400 pnh,均可在熟悉的step7 工程环境中,进行便捷而有效的编程和组态。
■ 在工厂或机器停机时保护工厂、工件和材料。主要用于炉子、半导体、船舶等领域。
■ 即使在系统运行过程中,也可以修改程序(例如,程序块的修改和重新装载),更改配置(例如,增加或删减 dp从站或模块)以及改变 cpu 的内存分配。
⑥销售abb robots. fanuc robots、yaskawa robots、kuka robots、mitsubishi robots、otc robots、panasonic robots、motoman robots。
⑦estinghouse(西屋): ovation系统、wdpf系统、max1000系统备件。
⑧invensys foxboro(福克斯波罗):i/a series系统,fbm(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。invensys triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(tmr)结构的现代化的容错控制器。
⑨siemens(西门子):siemens moore, siemens simatic c1,siemens数控系统等。
⑩bosch rexroth(博世力士乐):indramat,i/o模块,plc控制器,驱动模块等。
◆motorola(摩托罗拉):mvme 162、mvme 167、mvme1772、mvme177等系列。
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allen bradley 1734-ia2 series c input module back plane 5vdc/75ma
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allen bradley 1734 point io 1734-ie2v/c analog input module 2010
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allen bradley 120v ac/dc input module white label cat 1771-iad/c 9
allen bradley 120v ac/dc input module 1771-iad/dser.d
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allen bradley 120v ac/dc input module 1771-iad/d d01 96220672 a01 3
allen bradley 120v ac/dc input module 1771-iad/d b03 96220671 d01 6
allen bradley 120v ac/dc input module 1771-iad/d b03 96220671 d01 6
allen bradley 120v ac/dc input module 1771-iad/d b03 96220671 d01 2
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allen bradley 120v ac/dc input module 1771-iad/d 96220601 a01 3
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allen bradley 120v ac/dc input module 1771-iad b 2-3-5-80
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allen bradley 12 bit analog input module 1771-ofe1 b
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allen bradley 1171-iad 120 v ac input module
allen bradley 115vac input module 1746-ia16
allen bradley 10-30vdc input module 1791-16b0
allen bradley 10-30vdc input module 1771-ibd 96134473 c01 5
allen bradley 10-30vdc input module 1771-ibd 96134473 b01 5
allen bradley 10-30vdc input module 1771-ibd 96134473 5
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allen bradley 10 to 30 vdc input module 1771-ibd/b
allen bradley 10 to 30 vdc input module 1771-ibd 96134473 a01 5
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allen bradley i/o d.c.input module 1746-itb16c
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allen badley slc 500 1746-ni4 ser a analog input module
allen badley slc 500 1746-iai6 ser c input module
allen badley 1734-ib8 input module
allen badley 1734-ib8 input module
allen badley 1734-ib8 input module
allen badley 1734-0w2 input module
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allan bradley dc input module 17711b
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allan bradley 1771-ivn 10-30 vdc low true input module
alen bradley 1746-iv16 ser c input module 16 point
alcatel 7750 sr 3he01473aa 20g input/output module
alcatel 7750 sr 3he00020ab 20g input output module
alcatel 7750 sr 3he00020aa 20g input output module
alcatel 7450 ess 3he00229aa 20g input output module
alan-bradley 1746-ib16 slc 500 input module
ais sc-1302-014 isolated transducer transmitter module 20ma input 117v 320ohm
air gage co. 02704-4 variable input quad module
air gage co. 02704-06 variable input quad module
agramkow i/o module 4 input/4 output
agilent hp n2263a 32-bit digital input/output module
agilent hp 89605b rf input plug-in 75000c series vxi calibration module
agilent hp 89605b rf input plug-in 75000c series vxi calibration module
agilent hp 44474a 16-bit digital input/output module
agilent hp 44474a 16-bit digital input/output module
agilent 89605b input module
agilent 44474a 16-bit digital input/ output module
agastat vtma1ada on delay timing module timer 3-60 sec 120v 1a amp input 53413
aeg/gould/modicon/schneider dep-218/as-bdep-218 16point input module nnb
aeg/gould/modicon/schneider as-b875-111 analog input module xlnt
aeg/gould/modicon/schneider as-b827-032 input module xlnt
aeg/gould/modicon/schneider as-b805-016 input module 115vac xlnt
aeg/gould/modicon/schneider as-b571-001/b571-001 input module xlnt
aeg/gould/modicon/schneider as-b565-000 input module 24vac xlnt
aeg/gould/modicon/schneider as-b551-000 input module xlnt
aeg/gould/modicon/schneider as-b351-001 115 vac input module xlnt
aeg schnieder modicon tsx compact 115vac input module dep 209 6728-042.272572
aeg schneider tsxdet3242 tsx-det-3242 input module no cover
aeg schneider tsxdet1612 tsx-det-1612 input module 24vdc
aeg schneider tsxdet1612 input module tsx det1612 telemecanique modicon
aeg schneider modicon tsxdey16d2 input module warranty
aeg schneider automation dap 212 4 pt input module
aeg schneider automation 140dai54000 input module
aeg schneider automation 140 dai 540 00 140dai54000 input module sealed
aeg schneider automation input module tsxaem821 warranty
aeg schneider tsx quantum input module 140 dai 543 00 cover missing warranty
aeg schneider tsx quantum i/o plc input module 140 dai 540 00 warranty
aeg schneider tsx quantum analog input module 140 avi 030 00 warranty
aeg modicon: b833-016 16-point discrete input module
aeg modicon tsx compact discrete input module dep-220 as-bdep-220 042 272 591
aeg modicon schneider adu-205 6728-042.270397 analog input module
aeg modicon plc input module 16 inputs 24 vdc model dap216 2 available
aeg modicon plc discrete input module 8 inputs model dep210 2 available
aeg modicon pc-a984-145 cpu memory module as-p120 ac power dep 216 input module
aeg modicon input module as-b837-016
aeg modicon input module as-b351-001 31443
aeg modicon input module as-b351-001 31441
aeg modicon input module as-b350-001 31438
aeg modicon input module as-b805-016 warranty
aeg modicon fast input module as-b829-116 asb8291164
aeg modicon fast input module as-b829-116 asb829116
aeg modicon fast input module as-b829-116 asb829116
aeg modicon discrete input module dep 217 as-bdep-217
aeg modicon discrete input module dep 218 as-bdep-218 warranty
aeg modicon discrete input module as-bdep-210 warranty
aeg modicon dep-209 input module 115 vac
aeg modicon dap 212 input module 4point 8-24vdc 2amp relay dap212
aeg modicon b875-111 b877-111 as-b875-111 analog input module
aeg modicon b875-001 analog input module 7002d
aeg modicon b875-001 analog input module
aeg modicon b872-002 analog input module 7002d
aeg modicon b807 as-b807-132 input module 800i/o 115vac 32pt plc programmable l
aeg modicon b807 as-b807-132 input module 800i/o 115vac 32pt plc programmable l
aeg modicon as-bdep-218 discrete input module 16pt 115vac
aeg modicon as-b825-016 24 vdc input true high module
aeg modicon as-b817-116 115v ac isolated input module 61424
aeg modicon as-b807-132 input module 32 point 120vac input
aeg modicon as-b807-132 input module
aeg modicon as-b807-132 input module
aeg modicon as-b805-016 input module b805 115 vac
aeg modicon as-b805-016 115vac input module c16
aeg modicon as-b805-000 input module 16 point
aeg gould modicon 24vd input true module as-b825-016 warranty
aeg dep 216 dep216 input module refurbished
aeg dep 216 dep216 input module refurbished
aeg dep 210 dep210 input module 6728-042.278925
aeg as-b875-111 input module analog 4-20ma 8/16 channel remanufactured
aeg 170 bdi 342 00 input module modbusrefurbished
advantech input module adam-3013
advantech input module adam-3011
advantech adam-5018sk adam-5018sk 7-channel t/c input module with cjc kit
advantech adam-5018 7 ch thermocouple input module
advantech adam-5018 7 ch thermocouple input module
advantech adam-5017 8 ai 16-bit 8-channel analog differential input module
advantech adam-4058ch isolated digital input module
advantech adam-4019 analog input module
advantech adam-4019 4019 analog input module remote data acquisition
advantech adam-4019 analog input module
adlink hsl-di8do8-c-nn 8-ch discrete input/output modul